Supported Independent Living / SIL

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    What is Supported Independent Living (SIL)?

    Supported Independent Living (SIL) is one type of help or supervision with daily tasks to help you live as independently as possible while building your skills. SIL is paid personal support. It includes things like having a person to help with personal care tasks or cooking meals. SIL can help build these skills, too, so you can be more independent SIL happens in your home. You can get SIL if you live in a house with other people. You can also get SIL if you live on your own, but there might be other Personal Care Supports that suit you better. SIL funding doesn’t include rent or other day-to-day expenses like groceries. SIL is best suited for participants with high support needs, requiring significant assistance throughout the day. If SIL is the most appropriate support for you, you will receive funding for this assistance as part of your NDIS plan. The amount of funding provided will depend on the level of support you require to live independently in the housing option of your choice.

    How can you get funding for SIL?

    Supported independent living gives you the flexibility to live in the community and receive support when you need it.

    The first step is to identify the supports you need and the goals you want to achieve. This can help you decide how much funding you need and which SIL service provider is best suited to meet your needs. The first step in getting supported Independent living is to talk to your NDIA planner or Local Area Coordinator (LAC). Your NDIA planner will find out what support you need and decide if SIL is the right type of support for you. There are many different types of support available under SIL, such as help with cleaning and cooking meals, transport assistance, personal care assistance, and more.
    Next, consider including SIL funding in your plan. It’s crucial that SIL funding be included in your NDIS plan so that your service provider can get paid for their services.

    Finally, choose a SIL service provider that meets all of your needs and wants.