Community Access and Participation

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    What is social and community access / participation?

    Social and community participation is about meeting people with similar interests and joining in social and community activities. It means going where others go, doing what others do with others and choosing activities you enjoy. Social and community participation also means different things to different people. It can include going to your local café, joining a netball team, bushwalking with a friend, doing a craft class, getting work experience, or volunteering.

    Why Touching Hearts Services?

    Our community engagement support gives you access to a variety of resources and services to help you achieve your goals while living independently. Our goal is simple: to help you live a fulfilling life, no matter how you define “full”.

    We take pride in everything we do for our participants because we know how important it is for them to have access to programs that can improve their lives. Our staff are dedicated professionals who understand the challenges that people with disabilities face every day and all they want is for our participants’ lives to be better than they were before they met us, and we believe that they will did just that! !