Medium Term Accomodation

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    What is Medium-Term Accommodation?

    Medium-term accommodation is one of the home and living supports we may fund. It’s funding for living somewhere if you can’t move into your long-term home because your disability supports aren’t ready.

    Medium-term accommodation isn’t standalone support. We only include it in your plan as part of your other home and living support needs. We generally fund medium-term accommodation for up to 90 days.

    Funding for medium-term accommodation only covers the cost of the accommodation for the time you stay there. It’s a temporary and extra cost due to your disability support needs.

    For example, you might need medium-term accommodation while you wait for your home modifications to be completed. Or you’ve already secured a long-term home, such as Specialist Disability Accommodation, but you’re waiting for another person to move out before you can move in.

    Medium-term accommodation:

    • Includes the accommodation component only;
    • is provided concurrently with the participant’s informal supports and NDIS-funded supports, such as assistive technology, assistance with daily living, and community access supports;
    • is only funded where there is confirmation of a long-term housing solution. For example, a Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA) tenancy has been offered. Still, the property is not yet available or where a participant is awaiting completion of home modifications to their privately owned home or rental property.

    The NDIS will generally not fund medium-term accommodation supports:

    • Where a participant is on a waiting list for social or community housing. This excludes where there is confirmation of an offer of tenancy from a community housing provider or a state government office of housing, but the participant cannot move in because they are waiting for other disability-related supports;
    • where a participant requires Short Term Accommodation (STA) support including respite;
    • in response to a crisis or rapid changes in circumstances, unless the participant is waiting on the provision of disability-specific supports and where they have confirmation of a long-term housing solution; or
    • where the participant does not require disability-related support related to their long-term housing solution.

    Types of Long-Term Housing Solutions

    Long-term housing solutions may include:

    • Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). For example, an SDA tenancy has been offered but is not yet available.
    • Home Modifications. For example, the participant is awaiting the completion of home modifications to their existing accommodation, which may be their own home or private rental.